
This past Wednesday I attended KPCC’s very first addiction support group for family members and loved ones of addicts. I’m not an addict myself - that’s not to say I couldn’t be. Addiction doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t affect a specific race, gender, age group or social class. Addiction can creep up on anyone. I won’t get into the dynamics of the group, other than to say it's both supportive and educational in nature. But I can tell you [...]

2022-03-21T17:17:51-04:00January 29th, 2016|Addiction, Counseling|0 Comments


Sometimes getting out just isn't easy. It's possible you're physically stuck inside because your town just survived Snowmaggedon 2016. Maybe your sweet but stubborn toddler refuses to wear anything but Ninja Turtle pajamas when you try to leave the house. Perhaps your mood is falling faster than the thermometer, bringing about mid-winter doldrums. Whatever the reason, we get it. We feel it, too. But rather than just commiserate, we offer a possible solution. KPCC is excited to offer distance [...]

2016-06-15T17:00:49-04:00January 26th, 2016|Counseling, Inspiration|0 Comments

A Level Playing Field

A couple once told me that what they get out of couples counseling is "a level playing field." This was the husband's sense of it, and one that he really appreciated. Having a third person in the room who does not take sides, but who simply helps each person feel heard and understood as they talk can be a powerfully help. Simple and profound, nothing more than that. Some couples find that working out differences in public places, [...]

2022-03-21T17:17:51-04:00January 18th, 2016|Counseling|0 Comments
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